

발행연도 2022/12/31
10 2
페이지 19-24(6)
제목 운동 종료 후 호흡보조 도수기법 적용이 심장박동회복에 미치는 즉각적인 효과
저자 김진섭1*
교신저자 김진섭
소속 선문대학교 물리치료학과
Abstract Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the effects of the application of the manual assistive breathing technique on heart rate recovery. Methods: In this study, 20 subjects were randomly assigned and divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received manual breathing assistance by a therapist immediately upon completion of exercise. In contrast, the control group rested without intervention after exercise. In this study, the heart recovery rate, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and oxygen saturation were measured. Results: The experimental group who used the manual assistive breathing technique showed a significant difference in heart rate recovery and RPE at 30 s compared with the control group. However, no significant difference in oxygen saturation was observed between the two groups. Therefore, the manual assistive breathing technique was effective in heart rate recovery within a short time. Conclusion: In conclusion, the manual assistive breathing technique is recommended for subjects who must recover their heart rates quickly.
키워드 Assistive Breathing Technique, Heart Rate Recovery, Rate of Percieved Exertion, Oxygen Saturation
첨부파일 #1 04_김진섭(19-24).pdf