

발행연도 2015/12/31
3 1
페이지 37-42(6)
제목 호흡운동이 20대 남성의 폐활량에 미치는 효과
저자 남형천1, 김경목1, 고경량1, 서동우1, 정은비1, 태용원1
교신저자 남형천
소속 1 경북전문대학교 물리치료과
Abstract Purpose : The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of breathing exercise on vital capacity in males in their 20s. Methods : In the present study, 18 males in their 20s in K university located in Yeongju, Gyeongbuk participated in the experiment. The subjects were randomly assigned to three exercise groups of 6 subjects each. The exercise programs were power breathing, running machine exercise, and balloon blowing exercise. The exercise programs were implemented for 20 minutes per time, three times per week for three weeks. The subjects’ vital capacity was evaluated before exercise and three weeks after beginning of exercise using quark spiro. Results : When the values were compared in each of the three groups, IRV(Inspiratory Reserve Volume), VE(Expiratory Minute Ventilation), VT(Tidal Volume), and VT/TI (Vt/Ti ratio) showed statistically significant differences between before and after the exercise. (p<0.05)In comparisons among the groups, the power breathing showed significant differences only in EVC(Expiratory Vital Capacity) (p<0.05). The running machine exercise showed significant differences in EVC(Expiratory Vital Capacity) and IRV(Inspiratory Reserve Volume), the balloon blowing exercise showed significant differences only in VT/TI(Vt/Ti ratio)(p<0.05). Conclusion : Based on the results of breathing exercises performed by normal persons, breathing exercises helped vital capacity. Future studies should be conducted with lung disease patients to obtain clinical results.
키워드 vital capacity, breathing exercises
첨부파일 #1 6__호흡운동이_20대_남성의_폐활량에_미치는_효과_2015.pdf