

발행연도 2020/12/31
8 2
페이지 51-54(4)
제목 혀인두호흡훈련에 따른 척수근위축증 환자의 폐용적 변화 분석 (단일사례연구)
저자 이승엽1*, 이명미1
교신저자 이승엽
소속 조선대학교병원 물리치료실
Abstract Purpose : This study aims to investigate whether glossopharyngeal breathing training can increase lung volume in patients with spinal muscular atrophy, which is a restrictive lung disease. Methods : In this study, the spinal muscular atrophy patients received 15-to-20-minute daily glossopharyngeal breathing training over a period of 6 weeks, and the peak expiratory flow and slow vital capacity were measured before and after training. Results : In this study, the results showed that the peak expiratory flow increased from 240 L/min to 300 L/min and the vital capacity increased from 3.26 L (89.1%) to 3.14 L (93.2%). The inspiratory capacity increased from 2.87 L to 2.99 L, tidal volume increased from 1.17 L to 1.21 L, expiratory reserve volume increased from 0.39 L to 0.42 L, and inspiratory reserve volume increased from 1.70 L to 1.78 L. Conclusion : According to our results, glossopharyngeal breathing is a useful training method to maintain coughing ability by increasing the lung volume in spinal muscular atrophy patients.
키워드 Coughing ability, Lung volume, Glossopharyngeal breathing, Slow vital capacity, Spinal muscular atrophy
첨부파일 #1 8권_2호_08_이승엽,_이명미.pdf